Complying with Health & Safety regulations and emergency planning procedures is a vital part of running any organisation. Quintessence directors are experienced in producing training films and thought-provoking content to raise awareness and change attitudes to health and safety practices.
Safety on Farms
BRIEF: Produce a film to highlight dangers on farms
CLIENT: Health & Safety Executive/Hawkshead
Incidents of injury from faulty equipment or the misuse of farm machinery, are particularly high among young people. QF director Mat Lingard produced a film using a combination of drama and real life experiences to highlight the issue. The film has been used extensively by colleges and farming charities, and won ‘Best Programme’ at the IVCA Awards.
‘Being in Control’
BRIEF: Produce a film on Emergency Planning
CLIENT: Lloyds Banking Group/Orchard
Preparing for an emergency, be it a natural disaster, terrorist incident or public disturbance, is an essential requirement for any large employer. Scripted and directed by Mat Lingard, this film used actors and staff to dramatise emergency planning in a variety of crisis situations.
Home Safe
QF directors have developed expertise in making health & safety programmes for the energy sector. From devising training dramas for marine staff on avoiding collisions at sea to illustrating best practice when working on oil installations, we create content with emotional impact that gets the message home.